I’m going to whine for a minute because my thoughts are ruminating in my head. I’m tired. I’m driving into work every day and walking out mentally drained at the end of a workday. I get home and it’s the best part of my day when my son runs up to me to welcome me home. I’m so drained at this point we feed the horses and play outside a little bit before coming inside to do dinner, shower, and prepare for the next day while I try my hardest to be so present with my son while also trying to decompress.
his new phase is to smash our faces together <3
I wonder, does it have to be like this? How can I change this?
I’ve recently downloaded and paid for the everydollar app. I will do a review on this after a significant time using this but I will say I have already saved a ton of money. I do feel more in control but also more out of control at the same time. The winter hay bill for my 18 bales is over $1000 I paid this weekend. The car is going to the shop this week for PM work which will mostly likely be about $1000. I am constantly thinking about ways I should work on side hustles.
I believe in radical personal accountability which means to me I am in the driver's seat.
my commute isn't horrible when I get this pretty view but it's mostly just a ton of traffic for way too long every day
Which also means I can do anything I want but deciding the best side hustle worth my time is exhausting. We currently host RV, tent campers on our farm. Do I sale the farm and downsize to be debt free or almost debt free? Do I jump companies right now and get a pay raise in this unstable economy?
The choices are overwhelming. If the journey is the best part I’m not sure I can handle the destination LOL.
Usually this blog is a place I go to uplift myself but sorry dear reader this is just a depressive rant.
I have a plan to fix this logically. I haven't ridden my horse in 2 weeks and my heart rate hasn't been excited in too long. I have a hair appointment this week on Thursday to put some highlights in which I am excited for. I am working on my budget and I know the big expenses will slow down allowing me to save more. I am certain I will figure out how to make more money it will just take some time.
ok turns out my pictures say it's been a week since I rode but it's not enough
But in the meantime I hope your week is mentally better than mine.